List of ROS Services#

This page lists all the ROS services exposed by the SDK 23.12.


Only the services contributing to the public API of the pal-sdk-23.12 are listed here.

Additional ROS services might be present on the robot, for internal purposes. They are however not part of the documented and supported robot API.

Alphabetic index#

By capability#

Expressive interactions#

Robot hardware#

  • /pal_master_calibration/save_calibration_section (documentation)

  • /torso_front_camera/rgb_camera/set_parameters (documentation) Changes the specified parameters (dynamic_reconfigure/Reconfigure)

  • /torso_front_camera/stereo_module/set_parameters (documentation)

  • /xtion/get_serial (documentation) Service to retrieve the serial number of the camera.

  • /xtion/rgb/set_camera_info (documentation) Changes the intrinsic and distortion parameters of the color camera.

Robot management#

Mobile manipulation#

Gestures and motions#


  • /offline_map/undo_last_update (documentation)

  • /offline_map/update_map (documentation)

  • /pal_map_manager/change_building (documentation) Change the current building

  • /pal_map_manager/change_map (documentation) Select the active map

  • /pal_map_manager/current_map (documentation) Get the current map that the robot is using for navigation and localization

  • /pal_map_manager/list_maps (documentation) Get the list of all the available maps on the robot

  • /pal_map_manager/rename_map (documentation) Renames a given map

  • /pal_map_manager/save_curr_building_conf (documentation) Stores and persists on the filesystem the current building parameters such as tasks

  • /pal_map_manager/save_map (documentation) Save the map to a given file

  • /pal_navigation_sm (documentation) Set the navigation mode to mapping or to localization mode

Knowledge and reasoning#

Speech and language processing#
