Tutorial: Creating a simple multi-modal interaction#

🏁 Goal of this tutorial

By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to create an example of a multi-modal interaction using voice, motions, and face detection, utilizing the structure provided by pal_app.

Create an app using pal_app#

  1. Create on your computer a development workspace (that we will mount in the SDK Docker image):

> mkdir ~/ws
  1. Start the SDK Docker image (replacing customer_id by your own PAL-provided customer ID):

> docker run -it $HOME/ws:/home/pal/ws registry.gitlab.com/pal-robotics/customer_id/dockers:latest bash
  1. Create a new app skeleton:

> cd ws
> mkdir src && cd src
> pal_app create

You can for instance use first_app as app ID, and My First App as app name.

Multi-modal interaction:#

The pal_app structure revolves around handling Intents. In this tutorial, we will create the multi-modal interaction by defining a callback function that gets executed whenever a face is detected.


Intents are an abstract description (a ROS message) representing something that someone wants the robot to perform. Intents are usually published by the user-perception nodes (like the dialogue manager, or the touchscreen manager), and are processed by the application controller.

We will use the pyhri library to detect faces. Once a face is detected, the robot will greet the person and perform a gesture.

First, we initialize the HRIListener, TransformListener, and look_at publisher in the run() function.

The last thing is to initialize the on_face() function an create the callback function that will run when a face is detected:

listener = HRIListener()
tf_listener = tf.TransformListener()
look_at_pub = rospy.Publisher("/look_at", PointStamped, queue_size=10)


If the attention manager is running on the robot, we need to stop it. Here is an example of how to do it through a script:

serv = rospy.ServiceProxy('attention_manager/set_policy', SetPolicy)
except rospy.ServiceException as exc:
    print("Service did not process request: " + str(exc))

We need to stop the attention_manager because otherwise the robot will not reach the point we will send through the /look_at topic.

The callback function face_cb() handles the detected face.

def face_cb(face):
    points = PointStamped()
    points = tf_listener.lookupTransform("face_%s" % face,

    tts = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('tts', TtsAction)
    play_motion = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('play_motion', PlayMotionAction)

    tts_goal = TtsGoal()
    tts_goal.rawtext.text = "Hello, I'm ARI. Nice to meet you!"
    tts_goal.rawtext.lang_id = "en_GB"


    motion_goal = PlayMotionGoal(motion_name="wave")


It retrieves the face’s location using the lookupTransform() function and publishes the point on the /look_at topic. It also uses the TTS action to greet the person and the play_motion action to perform a waving motion.

Deploy the app on the robot:#

To install the app you have created on the robot, you need to follow the next steps:

  • From inside your SDK Docker image, go to your development workspace:

> cd ~/ws
  • Then run:

> rosrun pal_deploy deploy.py --package first_app ari-XXc

(Replace ari-XXc by your actual robot)

With the code deployed, you can now ssh onto the robot ( ssh pal@ari-XXc, password: pal) and navigate to your project: cd ~/deployed_ws/share/first_app.

For a more detailed explanation of the deployment process, refer to: Tutorial: Deploying ROS packages on the robot

Run the app in the robot:#

To run the app, ssh onto the robot (ssh pal@ari-XXc, password: pal ) and start your application: rosrun first_app run_app.

See also:#