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mobile_base_controller Quick Facts


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Debian package




Source code

Converts a velocity message in the form of geometry_msgs/msg/Twist into a control command for each of the robot’s wheels.

This node uses the ros2_control framework for implementing a velocity control of the robot’s wheels and provides the wheel’s odometry based on the encoder’s feedback. In the case of a differential-drive robot, it uses the diff_drive_controller from the ros2_controllers package. In the case of an omnidirectional-drive robot, it uses a Proprietary omni_drive_controller.

Node management#

How to check the status of the node?#

# this  a copy-pastable snippet to check the status
# this  a copy-pastable snippet using rosnode/rostopic to check the node is working

How to access the node’s logs?#

# this  a copy-pastable snippet

How to start/stop/restart the node#

# this  a copy-pastable snippet

Using in your code/application#

Access via the robot’s GUI#

[insert screenshots here]

Access via ROS standard tools#

# this  a copy-pastable snippet

[insert screenshots here]

Using in Python#

# this  a copy-pastable snippet

Using in C++#

# this  a copy-pastable snippet


Subscribed topics#

Published topics#

Actions server#

Actions client#
