List of ROS Actions#

This page lists all the public ROS actions available in PAL OS 24.9.


Only the actions contributing to the public API of the PAL OS 24.9 are listed here.

Additional ROS actions might be present on the robot, for internal purposes. They are however not part of the documented and supported robot API.

Alphabetic index#

By capability#

πŸ’¬ Communication#

  • /asr/set_locale (documentation) Sets the current language of the vosk speech recognition (ASR) engine. Returns immediately if the required language is already loaded.

    See asr_howto and internationalization for details.

  • /chatbot/set_locale (documentation) Sets the current language of the RASA chatbot engine. Returns immediately if the required language is already loaded.

    See overview_nlp and internationalization for details.

  • /get_user_input (documentation)

  • /i18n_manager/set_locale (documentation) Sets the language to all the associated nodes

  • /say (documentation) Speak out the provided input text (also executing any additional markup action). See tts_howto for details.

βš™οΈ Robots hardware#

  • /pal_led_manager/do_effect (documentation) Controls the various LEDs or PAL’s robots. You can select the desired set of LEDs, a colour effect, duration and priority, as well as provide effect-specific parameters (like the desired color).

    See LEDs API for details.

πŸ›  Robot management#

🦾 Manipulation#

  • /advanced_grasping/grasp (documentation) Instructs the robot to grasp an object (part of the Advanced Grasping pipeline).

    See overview-advanced-grasping for details and tutorials.

  • /advanced_grasping/perception (documentation) Look for an object and add it to the MoveIt! planning scene (part of the Advanced Grasping pipeline).

    See overview-advanced-grasping for details and tutorials.

  • /advanced_grasping/place (documentation) Instructs the robot to place an object on a support (part of the Advanced Grasping pipeline).

    See overview-advanced-grasping for details and tutorials.

πŸ‘‹ Gestures and motions#

  • /arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory (documentation) Moves the arm joints to the desired positions

  • /arm_left_controller/follow_joint_trajectory (documentation)

  • /arm_right_controller/follow_joint_trajectory (documentation)

  • /gripper_controller/follow_joint_trajectory (documentation) This action encapsulates the trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory message

  • /gripper_controller/increment (documentation) Moves the gripper joints the desired increment

  • /head_controller/follow_joint_trajectory (documentation) Moves the head joints to the desired positions

  • /head_controller/increment (documentation) Moves the head joints the desired increment

  • /head_controller/point_head_action (documentation) Moves the head joints to the necessary positions to point to a desired position, performing inverse kinematics

  • /joy_turbo_reset (documentation)

  • /motion_manager (documentation)

  • /pickup (documentation)

  • /place (documentation)

  • /play_motion (documentation)

  • /play_motion_builder_node/build (documentation)

  • /play_motion_builder_node/run (documentation)

  • /play_motion2 (documentation) Allows executing simultaneous trajectories in multiple groups of joints.

  • /safe_arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory (documentation) Moves the arm joints to the desired positions providing there are no self-collisions

  • /safe_arm_left_controller/follow_joint_trajectory (documentation)

  • /safe_arm_right_controller/follow_joint_trajectory (documentation)

  • /safe_torso_controller/follow_joint_trajectory (documentation) This action encapsulates the trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory message; the goal is discarded if a self-collision will occur.

  • /torso_controller/follow_joint_trajectory (documentation) This action encapsulates the trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory message

  • /torso_controller/increment (documentation)

🧭 Navigation#

πŸ–₯️ Touchscreen#