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laserscan_multi_merger Quick Facts


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Debian package




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Laserscan_merger allows to easily merge multiple laser scans into a single one.

Laserscan_merger allows to easily and dynamically (rqt_reconfigure) merge multiple, same time, single scanning plane, laser scans into a single one; this is very useful for using applications like gmapping, amcl, pamcl on vehicles with multiple single scanning plane laser scanners, as these applications require just one laser scan as input. The scanning planes need to be approximately the same. The resulting scan will appear generated from a single scanner dis-regarding actual occlusions as seen from the merged scans; for instance, consider the case of 2 scanners mounted on the 2 front corners A and B of a rectangular vehicle (assuming we live in 2D); each scanner gives out a 270degs scan, from along the long side of the vehicle going backward to toward the other scanner. The merged scan will appear as generated from a virtual scanner positioned in C, halfway A and B, and measuring the same measures of the merges scans, irregardless of the occlusions that would apply to a real scanner positioned in C.

Node management#

How to check the status of the node?#

# this  a copy-pastable snippet to check the status
# this  a copy-pastable snippet using rosnode/rostopic to check the node is working

How to access the node’s logs?#

# this  a copy-pastable snippet

How to start/stop/restart the node#

# this  a copy-pastable snippet

Using in your code/application#

Access via the robot’s GUI#

[insert screenshots here]

Access via ROS standard tools#

# this  a copy-pastable snippet

[insert screenshots here]

Using in Python#

# this  a copy-pastable snippet

Using in C++#

# this  a copy-pastable snippet


Subscribed topics#

Published topics#

Actions server#

Actions client#
