../_images/tiagopro-icon.png ../_images/tiago-head-icon.png ../_images/kangaroo-icon.png ../_images/tiago-icon.png ../_images/triago-icon.png ../_images/ari-icon.png ../_images/talos-icon.png ../_images/mobile-bases-icon.png

Network configuration#


We do not consider PAL’s robots to be hardened IT systems. In particular, they expose their complete ROS 2 environment to any device connected to the same network.

If your use-case implies exposure to IT/networking risks, we strongly recommend implementing mitigations at the level of your network infrastructure and controlling the physical access to the robot.


The network of the robot can be configured in four different ways. The robot can be configured in one wireless mode and one wired mode at the same time.

Wireless modes

1. Wireless Acces point mode: The robot functions as an access point, creating a wireless network that other devices can connect to.

2. Wireless Client mode: The robot connects to an existing WiFi network, enabling it to access the Internet and other resources on the network.

Wired modes

  1. Wired Server mode: The robot functions as a network bridge, devices can connect using an Ethernet cable.

  2. Wired Client mode: The robot connects to a network using a wired connection.

By default robots are shipped using in Access Point mode . The details of this network are found in the Default access point configuration section. The wired mode is set to LAN Server.

In section General network configuration is explained how to manage the network configurations and switch between different modes. Setting up the Access Point is explained in section Setting up Access Point mode and connecting with an ethernet cable is explained in section Connecting to your LAN.

Default access point configuration#

When shipped or when a fresh re-installation is performed, the robot is configured as an access point. The information about the robot’s network is provided in the table below. Note that the SSID ends with the serial number of the robot, i.e. in the given example the s/n is 0, and where <robot> is the the type of the robot, e.g. tiago, tiago-dual, ari, etc.

Access point default configuration#



Default password


Robot IP

The address range has been reserved. The alias control is also defined in order to refer to the computer name of the robot when connecting to it when it is set as access point or when using a direct connection, i.e. an Ethernet cable between the robot and the development computer.

The robot uses Netplan to manage the network configuration. You can find more information on the Netplan documentation. By default the backend used is NetworkManager.

General network configuration#

To modify network settings on the robot from the WebGUI access the Networking App on http://robot-0c/networking

Web Interface

When first entering the interface, you will be presented with the following screen:

Web networking app interface

Profile groups

There are two profile list groups:

  • WiFi Profiles

  • Wired Profiles

A profile is the network configuration that can be created and managed by the user. You can enable a profile to set it as the active configuration for the network settings.

Example with WiFi profiles group:

WiFi profiles group


The items explained further have the same structure and options apply for the both WiFi and Wired groups.

The network groups have the following items (the given examples / names are based on the WiFi group):

  • Group title: “WiFi Profiles”, shows the name of the group the profiles belong to.

  • Group context menu, click to open the context menu, from here you can add a new profile to the group or disable the network group. In this example, it would mean it will turn off the WiFi.

    • Add new profile: Opens the editor to create a new profile

    • Disable WiFi network: Prompts you to confirm the network disabling (like WiFi or Wired).

WiFi context menu

Group context menu#


Disable WiFi network option allows turning the WiFI network off permanently until you enable it again. If both network groups are disabled, it means the only way you can connect to the robot is physically attaching a screen and a keyboard.

  • Active profile: shows the profile that is being used currently for a network group (WiFi or Wired). Both groups can have a profile active meaning that the network group is enabled.

  • Mode identification icon: each profile will show a different icon depending on what mode it is.

    • Custom mode custom-mode-icon: When a profile is created using the advanced mode (inserting the YAML configuration), there can be some fields that the parser does not understand.

    • WiFi Access Point mode wifi-ap-mode-icon: the robot functions as a WiFi access point, allowing other devices to connect to it.

    • WiFi Client mode wifi-client-mode-icon: the robot connects to a WiFi network as a client, allowing to connect to the Internet and other resources on the network.

    • Wired client mode wired-client-mode-icon: the robot connects to a network using a wired connection. This mode allows the robot to access the network and communicate with other devices on the same network.

    • Wired server mode wired-server-mode-icon: The robot functions as a network bridge, connecting multiple wired network segments. In this mode, the robot manages the bridge connection, facilitating and directing traffic between the different network segments.

  • All profiles: list of all the available profiles previously created. It can be empty if the profiles list contains only one profile and it is active (example below).

Example of the interface where the is only one WiFi profile and it is active
  • All profiles list item web-ctx-menu-icon: shows the name of the profile and the context menu to manage the profile.

    • Set as active Sets the selected profile as active configuration for the group. You will be prompted to confirm setting the profile as active.


    Depending on the active configuration you might lose connection to the robot. The change of active profile is a permanent action. Once it is done your device will lose connection to the robot until you reconnect with the new configuration.

    • Edit: Open editor to edit profile configuration.


    Some profiles come by default (default profiles), these profiles can not be edited or deleted. The following are the names of these default profiles, for WiFi: hotspot, and for Wired: server and client.

    • Copy and edit: Use it to create a new profile starting from the same configurations.

    • Delete: this action is irreversible. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the profile.

Profile context menu

Profile context menu#


The editor allows you to configure the profile. The editor can be opened in the following ways.

  • Adding a new profile, click on the Add new profile in the group context menu to open the editor.

  • Edit an existing profile, select the Edit option from a profile’s context menu.

  • Create a new profile from an existing one, select Copy and edit from a profile’s context menu.

  • Clicking on profile, when a profile is clicked,the editor is opened in a view mode, meaning that you cannot edit. A button to enter edit mode is available.

Profile context menu

Editor in view mode for a WiFi profile#

Adding a new profile


Select Add new profile to create a new network configuration from the group context menu. The editor will open a form with a series of fields, on the left of the editor and a SAVE button at bottom right.

Add new profile editor

The fields:

Add new profile editor fields

Profile Name: This is the name that is shown in the list of profiles in the group.

Edit tool: For WiFi configuration there are two options to create a profile.

  1. Fill form: Fill out the fields with only the minimum required information for connecting to a WiFi or creating a hotspot.

    • Mode: Select if the profile will act as WiFi client or as an Access Point.

    • SSID: Name of the client WiFi or name with which the access point will be discoverable.

    • Mode key : Security mode of the WiFi network.

    • Password : Enter password for the client WiFi or set the password for the robot’s access point. For an access point profile the password must meet the following requirements:

      • Minimum 8 characters

      • Minimum 1 uppercase character

      • Minimum 1 lowercase character

      • Minimum 1 number

      • Minimum 1 special characters

    • Hidden: Checkbox to mark if the network is hidden or not. A hidden network is a wireless network that is not broadcasting its SSID. It is invisible to other devices searching for a new network to join.

      Example: when setting a robot as an access point and configuring it as a hidden network, the SSID set will not show in the list of your device’s available WiFis list.

  2. Insert configuration: Write the network configuration as if you were editing the file directly or drag and drop an external configuration file (YAML) inside the text field. This is intended for advanced users, you are able to use the full available configuration for Netplan.


No validation is performed when you save this configuration. So be sure the YAML you typed or inserted is correctly formatted and configured.

Checkout Netplan documentation for more information about the configuration options.

You can validate the YAML with: https://www.yamllint.com/


Insert configuration for a WiFi profile#

Click on the Save button to save your configuration and the new profile will be shown in the profile list.


For creating new wired profiles only “Insert configuration” mode is available. Enter a name for your profile, write the netplan compliant YAML configuration, and save. You also have an option to drag and drop the configuration file inside the text field, so it will be processed as a plain text.


Insert configuration for a wired profile#

Click the close icon (top right corner) to exit the editor without saving changes.

Edit existing profile

You can edit the configuration of an existing profile (unavailable for default profiles). In case of WiFi the fields will be shown to be edited if the edit tools was Fill form or the YAML code will be shown to be edited in case the edit tool was Insert configuration or the profile is of wired type. After making changes click SAVE. Click the close icon (top right corner) to exit the editor without saving changes.

Create a new profile from an existing one

When selecting Copy and edit from the context menu of the profile, the editor is opened to create a new profile. The fields are already filled out from the selected profile. You can edit these fields to your liking and save as normally done creating new profiles.

View profile

Clicking on profile will open the editor with that configuration. The configuration will be shown in the same edit tool that was used for creating the profile. In case of WiFi profile, if it was created using the Fill form it will show the fields and in case of the Insert configuration the YAML block will be shown. For Wired profiles the YAML block is shown.

Profile context menu

The editor will be in view mode, so no editing can be done. Click on the Edit button to switch to edit mode, and this way you can edit the YAML configuration or modify the filled fields. In the view mode there are also options for setting the profile as the active for the given group or deleting it, same as in the profile context menu.

In case of default profiles available on the robots, options to delete or edit them are disabled from the web interface.

Click the close icon (top right corner) to exit the editor.

Setting up Access Point mode#

In order to configure PAL’s robots as access point open the Web user interface via the URL http://robot-0c/networking.

Here in the WiFi group you can select the default profile hotspot and set is as active, or create a new profile and using it as WiFi Access Point mode.

You should see the SSID of that active access point profile in your scanned networks and connect to it with the password.

Check out how to create or set as active a profile in General network configuration

Connecting to your LAN#

In order to connect to your own LAN follow the steps below.

First of all you need to access the Web user interface via the URL http://robot-0c/networking.

In the wired group create a new profile and fill it with the right configuration for your LAN. The profile should be set as active.

Check out the fields used for LAN management in the Netplan documentation.


1. How can I find the IP of my robot?

Section General network configuration explains which IP address is configured for the different network modes. When the robot is in Wireless Client mode or Wired Client mode, the network will assign an IP to the robot. This IP can be found with running the following command on the robot:

ip a

2. The robot does not have access to the internet:

Ensure that the robot is connected to a network with internet access. For the robot to have internet access it is required to be either in Wireless Client mode or Wired Client mode. Refer to section General network configuration for more information on how to switch between modes.

3. I disabled all network interfaces, how can I reconnect the robot?

Attach a screen and a keyboard to the robot and enable the network interface throught the terminal. Section General network configuration explains how to use the PAL command line interface to manage the network profiles.

See also#