TIAGo Pro hardware APIs#
Every node that publishes sensor data is launched by default on startup.
Laser range-finder#
Located at the front and at the back of the omnidirectional base. This sensor measures distances in a horizontal plane. It is a valuable asset for navigation and mapping. Bad measurements can be caused by reflective or transparent surfaces.
Topics published#
/scan: Laser scan data of the laser scanner
Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)#
This sensor unit is mounted at the center of the robot and can be used to monitor inertial forces and provide the attitude.
Topics published#
/base_imu: Inertial data from the IMU
RGB-D camera#
This camera (RealSense series) is mounted inside TIAGo Pro’s head and provides RGB images, along with a depth image obtained by using an IR projector and an IR camera. The depth image is used to obtain a point cloud of the scene.
Topics published#
Services advertised#
Microphone array#
TIAGo Pro is equipped with a reSpeaker 4-microphone array.