Detect people around the robot (C++)#
🏁 Goal of this tutorial
Identify which persons are oriented toward the robot using
and its API.This is useful when you want your robot to be socially proactive and try to attract those people that might be looking at it from a distance, unsure whether getting closer to the robot or not.
This tutorial requires you to be familiar with the concepts of reference frames, 3D rotation transformations and 3D translation transformations.
This tutorial assumes that you already have an up and running body detection pipeline. The pipeline must be ROS4HRI compatible. If you do not have one available, you can start using hri_body_detect.
This tutorial also assumes that you have installed
. If you do not have it yet, please refer to the official repo.Get familiar with the libhri API documentation
Your robot already comes with hri_body_detect
The code#
We next provide an example of a node that detects bodies oriented towards the robot.
1 #include <vector>
2 #include <string>
4 #include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>
6 #include "hri/hri.hpp"
8 // This class detects and prints which bodies are oriented towards
9 // the robot, expressed as the base frame.
10 class BodyOrientationListener : public rclcpp::Node
11 {
13 // HRIListener object to handle information regarding
14 // the humans perceived by the robot
15 std::shared_ptr<hri::HRIListener> hri_listener_;
17 // timer to trigger the detections
18 rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr timer_;
20 // attention cone semi-amplitude
21 double threshold_;
23 // vector storing the ids of the bodies detected as oriented
24 // toward the robot
25 std::vector<std::string> bodies_facing_robot_;
27 public:
29 BodyOrientationListener();
30 ~BodyOrientationListener();
32 // Function initialising the members
33 void init(const std::string & base_frame, const double & threshold);
35 // Function performing the core operations
36 // - body ids retrieval
37 // - body pose retrieval
38 // - computation of the bodies oriented toward the robot
39 void run();
40 };
1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <cmath>
4 #include "geometry_msgs/msg/transform_stamped.hpp"
5 #include "tf2_geometry_msgs/tf2_geometry_msgs.hpp"
7 #include "person_facing_robot/person_facing_robot.hpp"
9 BodyOrientationListener::BodyOrientationListener():
10 rclcpp::Node("body_orientation_listener")
11 {}
13 BodyOrientationListener::~BodyOrientationListener()
14 {}
16 void BodyOrientationListener::init(const std::string & base_frame, const double & threshold)
17 {
18 hri_listener_ = hri::HRIListener::create(shared_from_this());
19 timer_ = create_wall_timer(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000), std::bind(&BodyOrientationListener::run, this));
20 threshold_ = threshold/180*M_PI;
21 hri_listener_->setReferenceFrame(base_frame);
22 }
24 void BodyOrientationListener::run()
25 {
26 // a std::map representing the bodies ControlHead
27 // detected through the body detection pipeline.
28 // For each pair in the map, the first element corresponds
29 // to the body id, while the second one, information regarding
30 // the body in the form of a weak pointer to a hri::Body object.
31 auto bodies = hri_listener_->getBodies();
32 bodies_facing_robot_.clear();
34 for (auto const & [body_id, body]: bodies)
35 {
36 std::cout << "body detected = " << body_id << std::endl;
38 // Checking whether the transform from the current body is actually
39 // available
40 if (auto bodyTransform = body->transform())
41 {
42 // geometry_msgs::Transform, obtained from the hri::Body object
43 // representing the body managed during this iteration.
44 geometry_msgs::msg::Transform r2bGM_transform = bodyTransform->transform;
46 // tf2::Transform objects declaration for both, the base frame to body
47 // frame transformation and its inverse:
48 // r2b = robot to body
49 // b2r = body to robot
50 tf2::Transform r2b_transform, b2r_transform;
52 // Here, the geometry_msgs::Transform object is extracted
53 // and then transformed into a tf2::Transform object
54 tf2::fromMsg(r2bGM_transform, r2b_transform);
56 // We need the body frame to base frame (i.e., the robot frame)
57 // transformation.
58 // Given that the hri API provides the base frame to
59 // body frame transformation, we invert it.
60 b2r_transform = r2b_transform.inverse();
62 // To compute whether a body is oriented towards the robot, we use
63 // the origin coordinates of the robot frame expressed in body frame.
64 // This information corresponds to the translation component of the
65 // body frame to base frame transformation.
66 tf2::Vector3 translation = b2r_transform.getOrigin();
68 // The length of the projection of the translation
69 // vector on the XY plane of the body frame
70 double translationXY_length =
71 std::sqrt(std::pow(translation.x(), 2)
72 + std::pow(translation.y(), 2));
74 // The orientation of the body with respect to the robot can be
75 // expressed as the angle between the x axis of the body frame
76 // and the projection on the XY plane of the body frame to base
77 // frame translation vector in body frame coordinates
78 double body_orientation =
79 std::acos(translation.x() / translationXY_length);
81 // If the robot is in front of the person (not behind) and angle is
82 // below a given thershold, then we consider that the person is facing
83 // the robot
84 if ((translation.x() > 0) && (body_orientation < threshold_))
85 bodies_facing_robot_.push_back(body_id);
86 }
87 }
89 for (auto& body: bodies_facing_robot_)
90 std::cout << body << " oriented towards the robot\n";
91 }
93 int main(int argc, char * argv[])
94 {
95 rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
96 auto node = std::make_shared<BodyOrientationListener>();
97 node->init("default_cam", 20);
98 std::cout << "Node initialised!\n";
99 rclcpp::spin(node->get_node_base_interface());
100 rclcpp::shutdown();
101 return 0;
102 }
The code explained#
10 class BodyOrientationListener : public rclcpp::Node
11 {
13 // HRIListener object to handle information regarding
14 // the humans perceived by the robot
15 std::shared_ptr<hri::HRIListener> hri_listener_;
17 // timer to trigger the detections
18 rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr timer_;
20 // attention cone semi-amplitude
21 double threshold_;
23 // vector storing the ids of the bodies detected as oriented
24 // toward the robot
25 std::vector<std::string> bodies_facing_robot_;
27 public:
29 BodyOrientationListener();
30 ~BodyOrientationListener();
32 // Function initialising the members
33 void init(const std::string & base_frame, const double & threshold);
35 // Function performing the core operations
36 // - body ids retrieval
37 // - body pose retrieval
38 // - computation of the bodies oriented toward the robot
39 void run();
40 };
This is the declaration of the BodyOrientationListener
Here, hri_listener_
is a HRIListener
object, which abstracts some of the
ROS4HRI aspects. For instance, it manages the callbacks reading the lists
of detected bodies, faces, voices and persons. As such, you don’t have to define
the same callbacks over and over again in different ROS nodes.
There are three more private objects declared:
defines the running rate of therun
function, i.e. how often therun
function will be called.threshold_
defines the semi-amplitude of the interaction cone, i.e. the cone with origin in the body frame within which the base frame will consider the body being oriented towards the robot.bodies_facing_robot_
will contain the ids of the bodies oriented toward the robot.
There are four public functions declared:
is the class constructor.~BodyOrientationListener()
is the class destructor.void init(const std::string& base_frame, const double& threshold)
initialises the different parameters of the class.void run()
implements the evaluation process for the bodies orientation.
The definition of the class members happens in
file. Let’s have a look!
10: rclcpp::Node("body_orientation_listener")
The constructor only sets the name of the node.
16 void BodyOrientationListener::init(const std::string & base_frame, const double & threshold)
17 {
18 hri_listener_ = hri::HRIListener::create(shared_from_this());
19 timer_ = create_wall_timer(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000), std::bind(&BodyOrientationListener::run, this));
20 threshold_ = threshold/180*M_PI;
21 hri_listener_->setReferenceFrame(base_frame);
22 }
The init
function initialises the different parameters:
value is set tothreshold
after converting it into radians.the
reference frame is set through thesetReferenceFrame
method usingbase_frame
from the arguments.a timer is set to call the main
function a fixed rate (1s).
The whole evaluation process regarding bodies orientation takes place in the
void BodyOrientationListener::run()
void BodyOrientationListener::run()
#24auto bodies = hri_listener_.getBodies();
The hri_listener_
updates the information regarding the bodies. We can access
this the data through a std::map
object, which contains pairs of body id
) and a pointer (hri::Body
) describing body-related
You can see how the libhri
API simplifies accessing information
regarding the bodies detected by the robot (i.e., its body detection pipeline).
The abstraction level introduced by the HRIListener
class avoids direct
interaction between the code and the ROS4HRI topics. Instead, it provides an
easy interface to have direct access to objects containing information and
utility functions to easily develop HRI applications.
void BodyOrientationListener::run()
We clear the body ids in the bodies_facing_robot_
vector detected in the
previous iteration.
void BodyOrientationListener::run()
#42for (auto& body: bodies){
We can now start iterating over the bodies the robot is currently aware of,
that is those contained in the bodies
void BodyOrientationListener::run()
#34if (auto bodyTransform = body_ptr->transform()){
We check whether a body transform exists for the current body. Dealing with
can be complicated some times, and even if we are expecting a
transformation to exist, it is not always the case. The if
statement ensures
that the transform between the base frame and the body frame actually exists.
This is another example of how the libhri
API eases the coding experience.
You could have expected needing tf
objects to handle transformations.
Instead, libhri
manages the tf
aspects for body frames and directly
returns the transformation between the base frame and the body frame.
void BodyOrientationListener::run()
#44 geometry_msgs::msg::Transform r2bGM_transform = bodyTransform->transform;
46 // tf2::Transform objects declaration for both, the base frame to body
47 // frame transformation and its inverse:
48 // r2b = robot to body
49 // b2r = body to robot
50 tf2::Transform r2b_transform, b2r_transform;
52 // Here, the geometry_msgs::Transform object is extracted
53 // and then transformed into a tf2::Transform object
54 tf2::fromMsg(r2bGM_transform, r2b_transform);
is a stamped message, i.e. it contains information regarding
the geometric transformation time, frame and child frame. This information is
contained in bodyTransform.header
. We are only interested in
, which contains the geometric information regarding
the transformation.
We declare the objects we are going to use to represent the transforms involved
in the evaluation process. Here, r2b
stands for robot to body, while
stands for body to robot.
We extract the transformation information from bodyTransform.transform
transform it into a tf::Transform
void BodyOrientationListener::run()
#60b2r_transform = r2b_transform.inverse();
Now, the idea is to start working from a body perspective, not a robot one (i.e., inverting the previously obtained geometric transformation). In fact, to understand whether a person is facing a robot or not, you are not interested in the position of the person with respect to the robot, but actually in the position of the robot with respect to the body frame. If the body is oriented towards the robot, with a body frame following the REP 155 frame definition, then the robot frame (i.e., the base frame) origin expressed in body frame coordinates will have a positive \(x\) component and a relatively small \(y\) component.
In Fig. 1, you can see how the \(d_b2r\) vector, expressed in body frame coordinates, has a relatively small \(y\) component when compared to the \(x\) one. Differently, in Fig 2. you can see that \(d_b2r\) component has a greater \(y\) component in body frame coordinates, suggesting that the human is not oriented toward the robot.
void BodyOrientationListener::run()
#66tf2::Vector3 translation = b2r_transform.getOrigin();
As we showed before, once inverted the original transform, the only information required to understand whether a body is oriented towards a robot or not is the translation vector. In the above line we extract such information.
void BodyOrientationListener::run()
#70double translationXY_length =
71 std::sqrt(std::pow(translation.x(), 2)
72 + std::pow(translation.y(), 2));
In order to establish how much the \(x\) component contributes to the translation vector, we can compare these two’s length. However, we are not interested in the \(z\) component of the body frame to base frame transformation, as this is not providing any information regarding the body orientation (in a scenario where humans are assumed to be always standing). For this reason, we compute the length of the projection of the translation vector on the \(xy\) plane.
void BodyOrientationListener::run()
#78double body_orientation =
79 std::acos(translation.x()/translationXY_length);
We compute the angle between the \(d_b2r\) \(xy\) plane projection and
the :x: axis. Now, this needs to be compared with the threshold_
value to
establish whether the body is oriented toward the robot or not.
void BodyOrientationListener::run()
#84if ((translation.x() > 0) && (body_orientation < threshold_))
85 bodies_facing_robot_.push_back(body.first);
This statement filters the bodies based on their orientation, where the
filtering parameter is threshold_
. One additional check is required on the
\(x\) component, to verify that the robot is actually in front of the body
(not at the back). If both conditions are fulfilled, the body id is added to the
void BodyOrientationListener::run()
#89 for (auto& body: bodies_facing_robot_)
90 std::cout << body << " oriented towards the robot\n";
We finally print out the body ids considered to be facing the robot.
void BodyOrientationListener::run()
# 93 int main(int argc, char * argv[])
94 {
95 rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
96 auto node = std::make_shared<BodyListener>();
97 node->init("default_cam", 20);
98 std::cout << "Node initialised!\n";
99 rclcpp::spin(node->get_node_base_interface());
100 rclcpp::shutdown();
101 return 0;
102 }
The main function first creates the node and then initialises it providing the
two required arguments. In this example, we set the base_frame
to a generic
value. The frame needs to be part of your robot’s tf
tree. The threshold is set to 20 degrees. You can play with this value and
change it according to your application needs. Finally, we spin the node.
Next steps#
The node you have developed through this tutorial does not really use the information about the bodies oriented toward the robot. You might think about a cool behaviour exploiting this information and implement it!
You might argue that face and gaze orientations could tell us more about a person’s engagement with the robot… and you would be right! Check this tutorial for a possible implementation of an engagement detection node based on face and gaze orientation.
If you’re interested in the
version of this tutorial, check the pyhri tutorial.