[‼️ROS1] Tutorial: Creating expressions with LEDs#
🏁 Goal of this tutorial
By the end of this tutorial, you will know how to request different type of LEDs effects using the LEDs devices available on your robot. Additionally, you will see an example of how LEDs can be used for expressiveness purposes.
This tutorial requires you to have
installed.This tutorial requires you to have ROS noetic installed. If you don’t, follow these installation instructions. We suggest to choose the
version, to have access to ROS visualisation tools (e.g., rviz).This tutorial requires you to have the
package installed. You can download it from this GitHub repository.This tutorial requires you to have a general knowledge of the LEDs API. If you want to know more about it, check LEDs API.
The code#
This is a possible implementation of a ROS node executing a demo to showcase how LEDs can be used to enhance the robot expressiveness.
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
5import rospy
6from actionlib import SimpleActionClient
7from pal_device_msgs.msg import DoTimedLedEffectAction,\
8 DoTimedLedEffectGoal, LedEffectParams
9from pal_interaction_msgs.msg import TtsAction, TtsGoal
10from std_msgs.msg import String
11import numpy as np
13# led devices ids
14BACK = 0
15LEFT_EAR = 1
19MAX_PRIORITY = 255 # The maximum value for leds effect priority
21def init_clients():
22 """ Initializing the action clients. """
24 # Creating a client object to communicate
25 # with the LEDs action server
26 led_client = SimpleActionClient("/pal_led_manager/do_effect",
27 DoTimedLedEffectAction)
28 led_client.wait_for_server()
30 # Creating a client object to communicate
31 # with the TTS action server
32 tts_client = SimpleActionClient('/tts',
33 TtsAction)
34 tts_client.wait_for_server()
36 return led_client, tts_client
39def set_color_progress_effect(goal,
40 r1,
41 g1,
42 b1,
43 a1,
44 r2,
45 g2,
46 b2,
47 a2,
48 percentage,
49 offset):
50 """ A function to set a led effect
51 to communicate the progress status
52 regarding a task/action.
53 """
55 # first_color --> completion colour
56 goal.params.progress.first_color.r = r1
57 goal.params.progress.first_color.g = g1
58 goal.params.progress.first_color.b = b1
59 goal.params.progress.first_color.a = a1
61 # second_color --> non-completed portion colour
62 goal.params.progress.second_color.r = r2
63 goal.params.progress.second_color.g = g2
64 goal.params.progress.second_color.b = b2
65 goal.params.progress.second_color.a = a2
67 # percentage --> percentage of LEDs coloured
68 # in first_color
69 goal.params.progress.percentage = percentage
71 # led_offset --> the led to start from
72 # in a leds array
73 goal.params.progress.led_offset = offset
75 return goal
78def show_progress(client,
79 devices):
80 """ Displaying a generic task completion
81 progress via leds.
82 This is a demo function to showcase the
83 leds progress effect.
84 """
86 goal = DoTimedLedEffectGoal() # The object representing the led effect
87 goal.devices = devices # The devices performing the effect
88 goal.params.effectType = LedEffectParams.PROGRESS # The type of effect
90 # Setting values for the two progress
91 # color components
92 # first color --> complete
93 # second color --> uncomplete
95 first_color_red = 0.0
96 first_color_green = 0.0
97 first_color_blue = 1.0
98 first_color_alpha = 1.0
100 second_color_red = 1.0
101 second_color_green = 0.0
102 second_color_blue = 0.0
103 second_color_alpha = 1.0
105 # led offset set to 0. Progression
106 # will be displayed starting from
107 # the top led, counterclockwise
108 offset = 0
110 # Incrementing the advancement with a 1% step
111 # every 0.2 seconds.
112 for percentage in np.arange(0, 1.01, 0.01):
113 goal = set_color_progress_effect(goal,
114 first_color_red,
115 first_color_green,
116 first_color_blue,
117 first_color_alpha,
118 second_color_red,
119 second_color_green,
120 second_color_blue,
121 second_color_alpha,
122 percentage,
123 offset)
125 # Setting non effect-specific parameters
126 goal.effectDuration.secs = 0
127 goal.effectDuration.nsecs = 200000000
128 goal.priority = MAX_PRIORITY
130 client.send_goal(goal)
132 # Printing the completion status
133 completion_str = str(percentage*100)+"%"
134 rospy.loginfo("Task completion: "+completion_str)
136 # Sleeping slightly less then the effect duration
137 # to always have the next completion goal
138 # queuing when the previous one execution finishes
139 rospy.sleep(0.19)
142def show_rainbow(client,
143 devices,
144 transition_duration,
145 duration_secs,
146 duration_nsecs = 0):
147 """ Setting up and seding a LedEffectGoal for
148 a rainbow effect (that is, continous transition
149 over the rainbow colours).
150 """
152 goal = DoTimedLedEffectGoal()
153 goal.devices = devices
154 goal.params.effectType = LedEffectParams.RAINBOW
156 # transition_duration --> the time the effect
157 # will take to complete an iteration over
158 # the rainbow colours
159 goal.params.rainbow.transition_duration.secs = transition_duration
161 # Setting non effect-specific parameters: time and priority
162 goal.effectDuration.secs = duration_secs
163 goal.effectDuration.nsecs = duration_nsecs
164 goal.priority = MAX_PRIORITY
166 client.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
169def show_fixed_color(client,
170 devices,
171 r,
172 g,
173 b,
174 a,
175 duration_secs,
176 duration_nsecs = 0):
177 """ Setting up and sending a LedEffectGoal
178 for a fixed color leds effect
179 """
181 goal = DoTimedLedEffectGoal()
182 goal.devices = devices
183 goal.params.effectType = LedEffectParams.FIXED_COLOR
185 # Setting the colour parameters
186 goal.params.fixed_color.color.r = r
187 goal.params.fixed_color.color.g = g
188 goal.params.fixed_color.color.b = b
189 goal.params.fixed_color.color.a = a
191 # Setting non effect-specific parameters
192 goal.effectDuration.secs = duration_secs
193 goal.effectDuration.nsecs = duration_nsecs
194 goal.priority = MAX_PRIORITY
196 client.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
199def show_blinking_color(client,
200 devices,
201 r1,
202 g1,
203 b1,
204 a1,
205 duration_secs1,
206 duration_nsecs1,
207 r2,
208 g2,
209 b2,
210 a2,
211 duration_secs2,
212 duration_nsecs2,
213 duration_secs,
214 duration_nsecs = 0):
215 """ Setting up and sending a LedEffectGoal
216 for a blinking color leds effect.
217 It alternates two colors with custom
218 temporisation.
219 """
221 goal = DoTimedLedEffectGoal()
222 goal.devices = devices
223 goal.params.effectType = LedEffectParams.BLINK
225 # Setting the first colour parameters
226 goal.params.blink.first_color.r = r1
227 goal.params.blink.first_color.g = g1
228 goal.params.blink.first_color.b = b1
229 goal.params.blink.first_color.a = a1
231 # Setting the first colour duration
232 goal.params.blink.first_color_duration.secs = duration_secs1
233 goal.params.blink.first_color_duration.nsecs = duration_nsecs1
235 # Setting the second colour parameters
236 goal.params.blink.second_color.r = r2
237 goal.params.blink.second_color.g = g2
238 goal.params.blink.second_color.b = b2
239 goal.params.blink.second_color.a = a1
241 # Setting the second colour duration
242 goal.params.blink.second_color_duration.secs = duration_secs2
243 goal.params.blink.second_color_duration.nsecs = duration_nsecs2
245 # Setting non effect-specific parameters
246 goal.effectDuration.secs = duration_secs
247 goal.effectDuration.nsecs = duration_nsecs
248 goal.priority = MAX_PRIORITY
250 client.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
252def send_tts(client,
253 text,
254 language = "en_GB",
255 blocking = False):
256 """ Function sending text to be pronounced
257 to the tts action server.
258 If blocking is True, the function
259 waits for answer from the action,
260 blocking the process.
261 """
263 goal = TtsGoal()
265 goal.rawtext.text = text
266 goal.rawtext.lang_id = "en_GB"
268 if blocking:
269 client.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
270 else:
271 client.send_goal(goal)
274if __name__ == '__main__':
275 try:
276 rospy.init_node('expressive_leds')
278 led_client, tts_client = init_clients()
280 # Requesting ARI to introduce people to the tutorial.
281 send_tts(tts_client,
282 "Welcome to the expressive leds tutorial!",
283 blocking = True)
285 # ARI is telling people that it will start downloading some
286 # "very important files". During the download process, it will
287 # show the progression status using the leds on its back
288 send_tts(tts_client,
289 "I will now start loading some very important files!\
290 Check my back leds to see what is the progression status.",
291 blocking = True)
292 show_progress(led_client,
293 [BACK])
295 # At this point, ARI has completed downloading the "very important
296 # files". To show how happy it is, ARI will emit a rainbow with
297 # all of its (available) leds
298 send_tts(tts_client,
299 "Yes, I made it! Task completed!")
300 rospy.loginfo("yes, I made it! Task completed! :)")
301 show_rainbow(led_client,
303 1,
304 10)
306 # Something might be wrong with the files ARI downloaded!
307 # Being in an alert status, it sets all of its leds to red
308 rospy.loginfo("OH NO! Something is going wrong!")
309 send_tts(tts_client,
310 "Oh no! Something might be wrong with these files!")
311 show_fixed_color(led_client,
313 r=1,
314 g=0,
315 b=0,
316 a=1,
317 duration_secs=10)
319 # ARI is now sure that the downloaded files were not the right
320 # ones, and needs an expert help to revert the situation.
321 # ARI is now emitting blinking yellow light, to attract someone's
322 # attention
323 rospy.loginfo("Please, help me!"+\
324 "These were not the very important files I needed!")
325 send_tts(tts_client,
326 "Please, help me!\
327 These were not the very important files I needed!")
328 show_blinking_color(led_client,
330 r1=1,
331 g1=0,
332 b1=0,
333 a1=1,
334 duration_secs1=1,
335 duration_nsecs1=0,
336 r2=1,
337 g2=1,
338 b2=0,
339 a2=1,
340 duration_secs2=1,
341 duration_nsecs2=0,
342 duration_nsecs=200000000,
343 duration_secs=20
344 )
345 except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
346 print("Abruptly finished!")
The code explained#
First things first, we need to import the required packages.
5import rospy
6from actionlib import SimpleActionClient
7from pal_device_msgs.msg import DoTimedLedEffectAction,\
8 DoTimedLedEffectGoal, LedEffectParams
9from pal_interaction_msgs.msg import TtsAction, TtsGoal
10from std_msgs.msg import String
11import numpy as np
Then, we define some constant values used later in the code. This step increases code readability.
13# led devices ids
14BACK = 0
15LEFT_EAR = 1
19MAX_PRIORITY = 255 # The maximum value for leds effect priority
Now, we are defining a set of functions that will be used later, in
. The first function we implement is init_clients()
to initialise the client-server connection required to interact with the ROS
action servers involved in the LEDs and TTS management.
21def init_clients():
22 """ Initializing the action clients. """
24 # Creating a client object to communicate
25 # with the LEDs action server
26 led_client = SimpleActionClient("/pal_led_manager/do_effect",
27 DoTimedLedEffectAction)
28 led_client.wait_for_server()
30 # Creating a client object to communicate
31 # with the TTS action server
32 tts_client = SimpleActionClient('/tts',
33 TtsAction)
34 tts_client.wait_for_server()
36 return led_client, tts_client
We will now go through the definition of a set of functions to initialise and
set the fields of a DoTimedLedEffectAction
object, that is, the object
sent by the node to the action server to request a specific LEDs effect. We
invite you to check the message structure before going through the next
functions definition, to have a better understanding of the fields involved in
the LEDs effects requests.
We will start implementing a function for the progression effect. This is meant to showcase a generic progression state: for instance, the battery level while the robot is docked.
39def set_color_progress_effect(goal,
40 r1,
41 g1,
42 b1,
43 a1,
44 r2,
45 g2,
46 b2,
47 a2,
48 percentage,
49 offset):
Let’s understand the function parameters in detail:
is theDoTimedLedEffectAction
object which parameters will be set through the function.r1, g1, b1, a1
are the red, green, blue and alpha parameters for the completion colour.r2, g2, b2, a2
are the red, green, blue and alpha parameters for the complementary colour. The complementary colour will be used by those LEDs not using the completion colour.percentage
represents the fraction of lights to set with the completion colour. In a process advancement fashion, it represents the process completion status.offset
represents from which light in the LEDs array the progression should start from.
Once inside the function, we assign the colour parameters to the relative
56goal.params.progress.first_color.r = r1
57goal.params.progress.first_color.g = g1
58goal.params.progress.first_color.b = b1
59goal.params.progress.first_color.a = a1
61goal.params.progress.second_color.r = r2
62goal.params.progress.second_color.g = g2
63goal.params.progress.second_color.b = b2
64goal.params.progress.second_color.a = a2
Then we set the percentage:
69goal.params.progress.percentage = percentage
And the light offset.
73goal.params.progress.led_offset = offset
The function ends up returning the goal
75return goal
Another function, show_progress
, uses
. This is a demo function, simulating the
advancement of the status of a generic process from 0% to 100%, advancing by a
1% step every 0.2 seconds.
78def show_progress(client,
79 devices)
This function requires two parameters:
, the object used to manage the client-server communication with the robot’s LEDs action server.devices
, the list of LEDs devices that will perform the progression effect.
Initially, we create the goal
object, setting two of its fields that
will not change anymore: the type of effect and the device that will display the
effect (in this case, the back LEDs).
86goal = DoTimedLedEffectGoal()
87goal.devices = devices
88goal.params.effectType = LedEffectParams.PROGRESS
Then, we initialise the first and second colours parameters and the LEDs offset.
95first_color_red = 0.0
96first_color_green = 0.0
97first_color_blue = 1.0
98first_color_alpha = 1.0
100second_color_red = 1.0
101second_color_green = 0.0
102second_color_blue = 0.0
103second_color_alpha = 1.0
105# led offset set to 0. Progression
106# will be displayed starting from
107# the top led, counterclockwise
108offset = 0
At this point, the progression starts. To simulate a process status advancement,
we iterate over an np.arange
object. At each step, we set the
parameters using the previously defined
112for percentage in np.arange(0, 1.01, 0.01):
113 goal = set_color_progress_effect(goal,
114 first_color_red,
115 first_color_green,
116 first_color_blue,
117 first_color_alpha,
118 second_color_red,
119 second_color_green,
120 second_color_blue,
121 second_color_alpha,
122 percentage,
123 offset)
The last step missing before sending goal
to the action server is
setting the time duration and effect priority.
This being a demo, we will set the priority to the maximum possible value. We invite you to properly set the priority when using LEDs in your custom applications.
126goal.effectDuration.secs = 0
127goal.effectDuration.nsecs = 200000000
128goal.priority = MAX_PRIORITY
At this point, we can send the goal
object to the action server, using
It’s useful printing the advancement status, for a qualitative evaluation of the effect execution.
133completion_str = str(percentage*100)+"%"
134rospy.loginfo("Task completion: "+completion_str)
As a last step, we add an instruction blocking the process for 0.19 seconds, which is slightly less than the effect duration. This is required as blocking for the entire duration of the effect would introduce a small (but notable) time gap between two consecutive progression goals, where the LEDs would execute another effect from the effects queue (for instance, the battery level), presenting a fragmented behaviour.
Another effect we will be using during the tutorial is the rainbow effect. This makes the LEDs device change its colour continously, ranging over the whole rainbow colour spectrum. Let’s see how to implement a function to generate and request this effect.
142def show_rainbow(client,
143 devices,
144 transition_duration,
145 duration_secs,
146 duration_nsecs = 0):
This function requires 5 parameters:
is the object used to manage the client-server communication with the robot’s LEDs action server.devices
is the list of LEDs devices that will perform the effect.transition_duration
is the time the effect will take to complete an iteration over the rainbow colours.duration_secs
define the effect duration.
Firstly, we initialise the object representing the LEDs effect to be sent to the action server for execution.
152goal = DoTimedLedEffectGoal()
Then, we set the devices that will execute the rainbow effect.
153goal.devices = devices
As previously seen, we have to specify through the
parameter which effect we want to use.
154goal.params.effectType = LedEffectParams.RAINBOW
The rainbow effect has just one effect-specific parameter, the rainbow
transition duration, that we can set through
goal.params.rainbow.transition_duration.secs = transition_duration
159goal.params.rainbow.transition_duration.secs = transition_duration
The last step missing before sending goal
to the action server is
setting the time duration and effect priority.
This being a demo, we will set the priority to the maximum possible value. We invite you to properly set the priority when using LEDs in your custom applications.
162goal.effectDuration.secs = duration_secs
163goal.effectDuration.nsecs = duration_nsecs
164goal.priority = MAX_PRIORITY
At this point, we can send the goal
object to the action server, using
. The LEDs devices previously specified will execute the effect
immediately if no other LEDs effect with MAX_PRIORITY
is being
performed; if this is not the case, then the effect will queue while waiting
that all the previous queued effects with MAX_PRIORITY
will have been
Another effect we will be using during the tutorial is the fixed-colour effect. This will set a static LEDs colour for a certain amount of time. Let’s see how we implemented a function to generate and request this effect.
169def show_fixed_color(client,
170 devices,
171 r,
172 g,
173 b,
174 a,
175 duration_secs,
176 duration_nsecs = 0)
This function requires 8 parameters:
is the object used to manage the client-server communication with the robot’s LEDs action serverdevices
is the list of LEDs devices that will perform the effect.r, g, b, a
are respectively the red, green, blue and alpha parameters of the requested fixed colour.duration_secs
define the effect duration.
Firstly, we initialise the object representing the LEDs effect to be sent to the action server for execution.
181goal = DoTimedLedEffectGoal()
Then, we set the devices that will execute the fixed-colour effect.
182goal.devices = devices
As previously seen, we have to specify through the
parameter which LEDs effect goal
meant for.
We set the fixed-colour red, green, blue and alpha parameters.
186goal.params.fixed_color.color.r = r
187goal.params.fixed_color.color.g = g
188goal.params.fixed_color.color.b = b
189goal.params.fixed_color.color.a = a
The last step missing before sending goal
to the action server is
setting the time duration and effect priority.
This being a demo, we will set the priority to the maximum possible value. We invite you to properly set the priority when using LEDs in your custom applications.
192goal.effectDuration.secs = duration_secs
193goal.effectDuration.nsecs = duration_nsecs
194goal.priority = MAX_PRIORITY
At this point, we can send the goal
object to the action server, using
. The LEDs devices previously specified will execute the effect
immediately if no other LEDs effect with MAX_PRIORITY
is being
performed; if this is not the case, then the effect will queue while waiting
that all the previous queued effects with MAX_PRIORITY
will have been
The last effect we will show through this tutorial is the blinking effect. This effects requires us to specify two colours and their duration; the LEDs executing this effect will alternate the two colours according to their duration. The effect will be performed for a specific effect duration, which is a parameter we have already seen through this tutorial. Let’s see how we implemented the function setting the parameters and sending the effect to the LEDs action server.
199def show_blinking_color(client,
200 devices,
201 r1,
202 g1,
203 b1,
204 a1,
205 duration_secs1,
206 duration_nsecs1,
207 r2,
208 g2,
209 b2,
210 a2,
211 duration_secs2,
212 duration_nsecs2,
213 duration_secs,
214 duration_nsecs = 0)
This function requires 16 parameters:
is the object used to manage the client-server communication with the robot’s LEDs action server.devices
is the list of LEDs devices that will perform the effect.r1, g1, b1, a1
are respectively the red, green, blue and alpha parameters of the first blinking colour.duration_secs1
define the first colour duration.r2, g2, b2, a2
are respectively the red, green, blue and alpha parameters of the second blinking colour.duration_secs2
define the second colour duration.duration_secs
define the overall effect duration.
Firstly, we initialise the object representing the LEDs effect to be sent to the action server for execution.
221goal = DoTimedLedEffectGoal()
Then, we set the devices that will execute the blinking effect.
222goal.devices = devices
As previously seen, we have to specify through the
parameter which LEDs effect goal
meant for.
223goal.params.effectType = LedEffectParams.BLINK
We can now start setting the effect-specific parameters. We initialise the first blinking colour red, green, blue and alpha values according to the function arguments.
226goal.params.blink.first_color.r = r1
227goal.params.blink.first_color.g = g1
228goal.params.blink.first_color.b = b1
229goal.params.blink.first_color.a = a1
The blinking colours also require a duration.
232goal.params.blink.first_color_duration.secs = duration_secs1
233goal.params.blink.first_color_duration.nsecs = duration_nsecs1
We repeat the same procedure for the second blinking colour.
236goal.params.blink.second_color.r = r2
237goal.params.blink.second_color.g = g2
238goal.params.blink.second_color.b = b2
239goal.params.blink.second_color.a = a1
241# Setting the second colour duration
242goal.params.blink.second_color_duration.secs = duration_secs2
243goal.params.blink.second_color_duration.nsecs = duration_nsecs2
The last step missing before sending goal
to the action server is
setting the time duration and effect priority.
This being a demo, we will set the priority to the maximum possible value. We invite you to properly set the priority when using LEDs in your custom applications.
246goal.effectDuration.secs = duration_secs
247goal.effectDuration.nsecs = duration_nsecs
248goal.priority = MAX_PRIORITY
At this point, we can send the goal
object to the action server, using
. The LEDs devices previously specified will execute the effect
immediately if no other LEDs effect with MAX_PRIORITY
is being
performed; if this is not the case, then the effect will queue while waiting
that all the previous queued effects with MAX_PRIORITY
will have been
Before checking the tutorial’s __main__
we will illustrate one more support function:
. This will manage comunication
with the robot’s TTS action server, sending
it sentences that the robot should pronounce.
252def send_tts(client,
253 text,
254 language = "en_GB",
255 blocking = False)
This function has 4 parameters:
is the object used to manage the client-server communication with the robot’s TTS action server.text
is the requested sentence.language
is the language that the robot will use to pronounce the sentence.blocking
specifies whether the function execution should be blocking (that is, waiting for the action execution or failure) or not.
As we have already seen in other functions involving action servers, the first
thing we do is initialising a goal
. In this case, it will be a
263goal = TtsGoal()
Then, we set the goal
parameters related to the text to pronounce and
the language to use.
265goal.rawtext.text = text
266goal.rawtext.lang_id = "en_GB"
Now we are ready to send goal
to the action server. The different
function used for this depends on whether the blocking
flag is set or
268if blocking:
269 client.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
271 client.send_goal(goal)
At this point, we have defined all the functions required for this tutorial. In
, we can find an example of how the functions above might be
used to enhance the robot’s expressivity.
First things first, we initialise the ROS node and the structures to communicate with the LEDs and TTS action servers:
326if __name__=='__main__'
327 try:
328 # Initialising the ROS node
329 rospy.init_node('expressive_leds')
331 # Initialising the two action clients objects
332 # requested during the node execution
333 led_client, tts_client = init_clients()
We ask the robot to introduce who is watching to the tutorial. In this case, we
are setting the blocking
flag as we do not want the robot to proceed
with any other tutorial-related operation as long as it has not finished the
282 "Welcome to the expressive leds tutorial!",
283 blocking = True)
Now, the proper demo can start:
the robot starts downloading some very important files. During the process, we show the progression status using the progress effect on the back LEDs.
Once the robot finishes downloading the files, it will show how happy it is about it by executing the rainbow effect with the LEDs on the head and the back.
Suddenly, your robot notices that something might be wrong with the very important files downloaded. The robot sets its LEDs to red using the fixed colour effect.
It happens that the very important files downloaded were not the right ones! The LEDs will start blinking using red and yellow, to attract someone’s attention as it needs help.
Let’s go step by step through the functions reproducing the storyline above. In
step 1, we use the previously defined function show_progress
the LEDs effect, while using a blocking send_tts
to introduce the
dowloading operations.
289 "I will now start loading some very important files!\
290 Check my back leds to see what is the progression status.",
291 blocking = True)
293 [BACK])
In step 2, we send a non-blocking TTS request for your robot to express how happy it is for having completed the previous process. To request the rainbow effect, we use the function specifically defined before.
299 "Yes, I made it! Task completed!")
300rospy.loginfo("yes, I made it! Task completed! :)")
303 1,
304 10)
In step 3, we send a non-blocking TTS request and a fixed colour LEDs
effect request to express concern regarding the downloaded files. The
r, g, b, a
parameters are such to display the red colour.
308rospy.loginfo("OH NO! Something is going wrong!")
310 "Oh no! Something might be wrong with these files!")
313 r=1,
314 g=0,
315 b=0,
316 a=1,
317 duration_secs=10)
In step 4, we send a non-blocking TTS request and we request a
red-and-yellow blinking effect to attract people’s
attention, as the robot needs help. The r1, g1, b1, a1
parameters are
such to display the red colour. The r2, g2, b2, a2
parameters are such
to display the yellow colour.
323 rospy.loginfo("Please, help me!"+\
324 "These were not the very important files I needed!")
326 "Please, help me!\
327 These were not the very important files I needed!")
330 r1=1,
331 g1=0,
332 b1=0,
333 a1=1,
334 duration_secs1=1,
335 duration_nsecs1=0,
336 r2=1,
337 g2=1,
338 b2=0,
339 a2=1,
340 duration_secs2=1,
341 duration_nsecs2=0,
342 duration_nsecs=200000000,
343 duration_secs=20
344 )
Next steps#
The node you have developed only includes some of the effects that can be performed with LEDs. We invite you to explore more of these effects, playing with them for a deeper understanding of how LEDs can enhance the robot’s expressiveness: LEDs API.
If you want to know more about building expressive interaction, check 😄 Expressive interactions.